A.L.F. Group Services

Our Privacy Policy


At A.L.F. Group Services, we are committed to protecting the privacy of all your personal information. Just as ensuring the security of your business, home or automobile is a cornerstone of our relationship with you, so is ensuring the security of the personal information you entrust to us. We would like to take this opportunity to provide you with some information as to what our ongoing privacy commitment to you means.


Why do we collect personal information? We collect, use and disclose personal information about you in order to serve your insurance needs. Personal information is information that identifies you as an individual client and relates specifically to you. Common purposes for which we collect your personal information are to:

What personal information do we collect? Depending on the purpose for which we need to collect it, we may ask for the following personal information about you, including:

Who do we disclose your personal information to? In offering and providing products and services to meet your needs, we may disclose any of the information that we collect within your company and non-affiliated third parties, including:

We will not however, collect, use or disclose any personal information about you of a sensitive nature (e.g. medical or income information) without first obtaining your written consent. You may withdraw or limit your consent at any time, subject to the legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice, by contacting our office at any of our numbers listed below. If you withdraw your consent, it may limit our ability to provide you with the product or service you have requested. This privacy policy can also be viewed on our web site at www.alfgroup.ca

Jane Forfar CEO
A.L.F. Group Services Inc.
4195 Dundas Street West, Suite 334
Toronto, ON , M8X 1Y4
Telephone: 416.868.9339 ext. I I Toll free: 1.866.538.9339

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